Welcome to St Mary's

We are a friendly, welcoming church rooted in the Catholic tradition of the Church of England, committed to dignified worship, good music and orthodox teaching. You are most welcome to join us at any of our services.


St Mary's takes safeguarding very seriously. If you are concerned that someone you know is at risk of abuse, is being abused, or presents a risk to others, please contact one of the following:

If there is an immediate risk or danger ring 999.

Weekly news sheet

Download the weekly news sheet - you need Adobe Acrobat Reader:

Weekly Mailchimp email bulletin

St Mary's sends out a weekly email bulletin via Mailchimp. Sign up to the email bulletin.

Donate to St Mary's

You can donate via credit / debit card

Just click on the donate button.

Note that Give a Little, which provides this service, takes a small percentage of the donation for itself as a way of funding this service.


You will be pleased to hear that we have been successful in achieving the Bronze Award in the national Eco-Church scheme.

Church Hall and Rooms for hire

We have an excellent hall and church rooms offering excellent facilities. Do contact us for more details.

Knit and Natter

Why not join our Knit and Natter group on the last Tuesday of every month (except August and December) 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. If you don't knit then just come and have a natter or bring a hobby of your own choice. Ring 01707 658474 or 659938 or email for more information.

Church open for private prayer

The church is open from 10:30am to 12 noon every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for private prayer. Access is via the North Door on the walk.

Regular Services

Sunday Services - held in church

8:00 am Holy Communion - Said Eucharist (traditional language) lasting for 40 minutes - held in church

10:00 am Parish Communion - Sung Eucharist (contemporary language) lasting for 1 hour - held in church and live-streamed via Facebook

5.00pm Evensong (Book of Common Prayer) - second and fouth Sundays - lasting for 45 minutes - held in church and live-streamed via Facebook

Weekday Services - held in church

Tuesday - 9.30am - Morning Prayer lasting for 20 minutes
Tuesday - 5pm - Evening Prayer lasting for 20 minutes

Wednesday - 9:30am - Holy Communion - Said Eucharist (contemporary language) lasting for 30 minutes
Wednesday - 5pm - Evening Prayer lasting for 20 minutes

Thursday - 9:30 am Holy Communion - Said Eucharist (Book of Common Prayer) lasting for 30 minutes
Thursday - 5pm - Evening Prayer lasting for 20 minutes

Friday - 9:30am - Morning Prayer lasting for 20 minutes
Friday - 5pm - Evening Prayer lasting for 20 minutes